Feedback Thoughts

 In the past, I have had bad experience with constructive criticism.  I took it too much to heart and it ended up discouraging me more than helping me get better.  I think that there are many ways to address a mistake or make a suggestion, but the person giving the advice must always come from the heart.  Comments that criticize should be made only with the intent to help a person improve.   I think it should offer suggestions on the next steps to make this happen.  Feedback that has actually helped me always included something that I was doing good on or something I was doing right.  I think that hearing praise or being acknowledged for things you do right would be much more encouraging than simply stating what is 'wrong'.  

George Couros's article '3 Reminders for When Challenging Others' gives 3 pieces of great advice when offering feedback to a person.  It addresses the intent of the individual, establishing points of agreement, and how the delivery of the message may effect how meaningful it is.  I think all these are important to keep in mind when trying to help solve an issue.  The way Couros talks about it reminds me of relationship advice: it's you two against the problem not you two against each other.   

The article 'Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt in Creative Work' by John Spencer addresses these issues.  These 7 ways include the following:

1.  Don't Compare Yourself to Others

2.  Abandon Perfectionism

3.  Be Vulnerable to a Trusted Community 

4.  Embrace a Growth Mindset

5.  Set Goals that are Within Your Control

6.  Treat your work like a Experiment

7.  Trust Yourself

I think the most applicable tip for me would be #6.  Growing up I was always pushed to try my best.  This would be proven if I became the best.  Top scores in class, best athlete, and most helpful sibling.  If I wasn't the best in any aspect then it would mean I'm not trying my best.  There was little room for failure or mistakes, and it was hard to learn and be accepting of the process of learning.  I think that it made me less willing to try a difficult task that looked even a little bit above my capability because I was scared to fail.  I think that this prevented me from having the 'growth mindset'.  These tips are very helpful to remember when I get frustrated or stressed, and with my mentality overall.  

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Information Feedback.  Needpix. 


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