Reading Notes: Ramayana Part A

I like taking notes by hand, it helps me understand and learn things better, so here I have uploaded my story map of sorts that I have jotted down in my notebook.  This is the revised version of the map and I have color coded some things and made the notes neater.  Yes, it is still confusing but it works for me and somehow the jumbled mess looks clear in my mind haha.

My notes- Ramayana Part A. 

On the bottom part of my notes, I have the numbers of the stories that most interested me and a quick sidebar of how I may use the plot. I will attach those below.

4. Vishvamitra by Sister Nivedita 'Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists'
10. Rama wins Sita by Donald A. Mackenzie 'Indin Myth and Legend' (1913)
12. Rama & Sita's wedding by Romesh Dutt 'The Epic of Rama, Prince of India' (1899)


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