Week 2 Reading Overview

 I have chosen to read the Public Domain Edition of Ramayana.  Some factors that influence my decision in this choice include the fact that it is free online, it contains various styles and authors, there is an audio version, and there are illustrations.  I think that I would be bored easily without the illustrations, and I like the fact that there is an option to experience the story audibly.  I think that by reading various styles from various authors, I will be able to obtain a more comprehensive version of the story.  


Hanuman: The Epitome of Devotion and Courage

I like this comic book because of its topic.  I enjoy the story about the legendary Hanuman and I think that it will interest children in particular.  I think that some of the stories and topics that are in the story may be learning lessons or tales that may be used to teach children an important lesson.  The whimsical and fantasy genre of the story would also allow many captivating illustrations in a comic book.  This story reminds me of famous 'tall tales' like Paul Bunyan.

Drona: Valiant Archer, Supreme Teacher

This story is interesting to me because it follows a long tale of heroic characters, betrayal, family, and love.  I think that this would be a really good story to see animated into a movie or TV series.  I think that it has the drama and substantial plot that would do very well on a show.  


Indian and Greek Mythological Parallels | EPIFIED

I really like how this video draws ties to different cultures, and how there are similar characters in both.  I think that it is interesting how places that may seem so different geographically, historically, and culturally have coincidental likeness.  I think it asks questions about how divine beings and religion may transcend many factors. The Source - Who Created the Universe? also comments on this idea.  I think that the stories generate a bigger idea that allows the listener or reader to analyze how we are all connected and how we function, learn, and grow on a universally psychological level.  

File:Duryodhana showing his army to Drona.jpgDuryodhana showing his army to Drona. commons.wikimedia. 


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