Week 8 Progress

Looking Back:

I definitely have started to get a better routine in for completing assignments in a timely fashion.  I'm fairly satisfied with my progress so far.  The class assignments I enjoy so far are the EC Microfictions.  I do like the storytelling assignments as well, but since those are larger assignments and require more writing and work to be done, it does come with more stress.  I also know that more people will view the stories, so it puts some pressure on what I write, knowing that it will be scrutinized and possibly judged.  The revision process is also beneficial and fun for me, because I can take all my hard work and make it even better.  Sometimes, I'm even surprisingly pleased with how well I've done with a particular story. 

Looking Forward:

Something that I want to try in my writing, and blog posts in general, is putting more of a personal touch on the stories and posts to make it more interesting.  Aside from that and completing assignments on time, I think my progress has been good so far, but I can see that my site and writing both have a lot of potential to be even better.  

Pastel Stripes.  Flickr.

(This image is literally just pastel stripes but it's pretty and calming, and boosts my serotonin levels enough to make me want to finish the semester strong).


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