Famous Last Words : Milo

The results of the 2020 Presidential Election were broadcasted fairly recently, about 2 days ago.  Of course, the country and all the various news outlets have been producing political updates and opinions almost as fast as it produces garbage (but they're mostly the same thing anyways, right?).  I've never been big on politics or voting, and I honestly don't want to open that topic up for discussion and argument.  All I can say is, the stress and pressure of the election results have just piled on top of the never-ending list of 'Things to be Worried about' this year.  The pandemic, unemployment, classes, mental health, PHYSICAL health, still staying on track for grad school, grades, etc.  All these things just stay constantly jumbled in the mind and it's very common for me to feel overwhelmed with the crazy things that seem to always appear.  When one task is completed, or when one issue is solved, there's always another that just pops up to replace it.  

There are some good things that have happened recently as well, Milo (my new cat) has made the daily routines of life a bit more interesting.  I've never had a cat before so their behavior is definitely new and interesting compared to dogs.  I would say that dogs are much more stupid, but obedient than cats.  Cats are very stubborn, but they're able to take care of themselves and groom themselves.  I'm not sure what type of cat Milo is, but his fur looks almost like stripes on a tiger.  My favorite thing about Milo is when i'm sleeping or napping and he decides to cuddle next to me.  Milo is ALWAYS napping, I'd say about 8 hours of the day he can be found sunbathing or sleeping in a cozy pile of blankets.  Thanks to Milo, I feel like life isn't so bad and I can take on the day without feeling too overwhelmed :)

Sleepy Milo. Image taken by me. 

Also, I didn't choose the name Milo.  He was owned by a previous owner before for a bout a year and I didn't think that it was necessary to change the name that was already given to him.  I do pronounce it differently, so instead of saying m-EYE-low, I say ME-low.


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