Reading Notes: Jataka Tales Part A

 How the Turtle Saved His Own Life

In this story, there are multiple characters including a King, a Turtle, and minor roles (princes).  In this story, the princes are afraid of the turtle because the "had never seen [a turtle] before".  The princes believed that the turtle was demon, which resulted in the king ordering its death.  In the end, the turtle mocks fear of a death by drowning only to reveal that he can live in the water.  

In this story, I wanted to feature the deadly sin of wrath to continue my series.  I think that by dramatizing the story, I can emphasize how hatred from an individual is unnecessary.  In the end, good will always triumph and I think that this is a good moral of the story.


Turtle. Pikrepo.


This story, written by Ellen C. Babbitt, can be found on gatewaytotheclassics


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